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I started the private group 4 weeks ago... I was curious how long before I would see change... holy heck, Maggie and Frankie are both A-amazing... I tested high for eggs in a test that’s part of the program!!! I slipped i today on accident, not looking at a label... I feel like I want to cut my stomach out.. The feeling I had for the past five months. EVERY. TIME. I. ATE. EGGS....
I never want to feel like this again! And now I won’t. Lesson to learn, such a simple test with such great impact!
Second, I was on the blood type diet, they are helping me introduce about 50 foods I have cut out, that came back I am not sensitive too and now I have a more balanced diet with less restrictions...WIN!
- Chris Wenzel
"Mastering the blood sugar thing has really made a huge difference with all my autoimmune stuff. I can't even begin to describe how helpful it's been!!!! Completely life changing and so very grateful for the weekly calls with you and nutritionist. It's so huge to have an educated doctor personally walk you through an individualized plan. The food mapping thing is HUGE!!! I had been on elimination diets on and off for years.
I'm so excited to now know some of the missing links. And I'm right there with you, I tested higher for eggs and that's what I would eat non-stop when I would have a bad colitis flare. WOW> I was just making it worse!!!
- Liz B

I have been a care giver my whole adult life. I started 2018 with the mindset it is my turn to take care of me. I am so proud to say I have been successful with the help and support of Dr Maggie and this group. Frankie has played such a huge role as well just reinforcing the things I wasn’t 100% clear on. Being dx’d as an adult onset Type 1 Diabetic 3 years ago I have been searching for ways to fine tune the problems that traditional medicine wasn’t clearing up for me. I know I still have a long way to go but I feel 110% better with what I have been doing. I am excited to see what the next 2 months hold.
Thanks for all the help and support Vitamin D and Gluten Free Forever!
- Cathy T
I was diagnosed with RA a few months ago, and I had the choice to be referred to the best rheumatologist in Seattle or get to the root of the problem. Thank goodness, I listened to my gut, and I decided to meet with Maggie. At the beginning of the program, I wanted to see results, now, as in yesterday. I didn’t see any results right away, but my symptoms slowly started improving. Two months later, I still have some symptoms, but I feel so much better!! This has been a life changing experience, physically and mentally. Frankie and Maggie have opened my eyes to see food in a whole other way. And I just can’t stop learning more and more about healing your gut. Maggie does exactly what a doctor should do which is to teach patients how to get their health back. The origin of the word doctor comes from Latin and the meaning is to teach. Maggie does just that, she teaches and helps you understand your autoimmune disease. She is an incredible teacher that gives you the tools you need to take control of your health. Thank you Maggie, Frankie and team you guys are all awesome!
- Isabelle M

Oh my gosh, where do I begin!!!! This program has helped me in so many ways, the validation of my symptoms for one was the start to my healing! Just to have two people, Dr Maggie and Frankie believe me, gave me the courage to continue with confidence!! As each week passed I started to feel better, all the pieces of the puzzle to my long time autoimmune troubles started to get better! From hormones being balanced, to knowing my food intolerances and now knowing exactly what to eat, my life has changed for the better!! I have suffered with Fibromyalgia and acid reflux for the past 23 years, but not anymore! I now have the tools to combat my autoimmune and to truly be the best version of myself!! I cannot thank Dr Maggie and Frankie enough for all the help they’ve given me over the past 8 weeks!
Thanks again you two!!! Life is good!
- Tammy M.
I was told maybe I should take anti-anxiety meds. I was so frustrated. I knew something wasn’t right. I have been high capacity and active my whole life. Then you (Maggie) ran the tests I needed and boom! Answers! I didn’t feel like I was just going crazy (or hysterical) anymore!
- Rachel H.

As I finish up my 8 weeks, I have to chime in on how invaluable this program has been. The clearly presented information as well as the personalized testing gave me insight into how to handle Hashimoto’s. Equally important, I now know that I am not in nearly as bad shape in terms of AI disease as I feared. That knowledge has been pivotal for me to make a mind shift that is beginning to become an upward spiral in my life.
Like many others out there who suffer from chronic pain or disease, I was trapped in a cycle of anxiety, fear and chronic pain. I am learning that his cycle can become hard-wired in the brain, perpetuating pain. With the knowledge and sense of empowerment that this program and community have given me, I am beginning to break that cycle. April 2 will mark one year that I have been nearly bedridden with chronic pain. But that anniversary will be a celebration of new life, not pain. Just this week I have been on a shopping trip with a friend, a grocery run, and the first hand- in-hand walk I have taken with my husband in a year. I have cooked meals for my family, cleaned house and walked to the mailbox. These are all breakthroughs for me. I am beginning to live again.
All of that is to say thank you. Thank you to Dr. Maggie, Frankie and the whole team. Thank you, God, for leading me to them. And to the community out there that is still fighting for their health, keep fighting. Invest in yourself, Throw all of your strength into it. Apply the knowledge you have gained in this program and walk it out. And if you, like me, have been trapped in pain, know that there is hope. You may have to seek out the tools, like I have, to ‘unlearn your pain’, but your brain can be retrained and your body can heal. You, too, can live again.
- Elaine S.
Thank you Maggie and Frankie. Feel I have a better understanding and a road map to fight my illness. Feeling better and optimistic for an active future. Last weekend in Idaho obviously feeling more energetic!!
- Jim S.

As I begin week 5 of 8 in Dr. Maggie Yu's online program, I wanted to share some of my wins so far. I'm 47, a wife, mother, grandmother to 6 and a nurse. I thought prior to this program, I was going to have to give up my 26 year career. I have RA.
1. More energy than I've had since I was in my 20's.
2. No pain. Never thought that was going to be possible!!!
3. Sleeping through the night without awakening and pacing from the pain.
4. Not tired during the day. No more naps for me. No energy crashes.
5. I have lost about 20 pounds.
6. No more constipation.
7. No more diarrhea.
8. I've actually picked up some extra shifts at work because I feel good.
9. No cravings. No sweet tooth.
10. As much as I thought I would never say this, I am caffeine free and am not running on coffee anymore!!
11. No more depression or poor outlook about my future.
If you are on the fence about beginning Maggie's program, I encourage you to begin your own healing.. You are not only worth it, but you deserve these results too. Your body will thank you!!!
- Leslie S.
My cause ended up being chronic infection, but your cause may be something entirely different as I've seen while in the program. I rarely promote anything because I don't want anyone to rely on my word when making any time or any kind of investment, but I can't stop telling everyone about the Maggie Yu's program. I'm getting my life back. I was on the AIP diet and couldn't be away from home for more than 2 hours without packing a cooler full of food because my diet was so restrictive that I couldn't eat out anywhere. AIP helped with the allergy mimicking symptoms, but I would flare every time I tried to reintroduce any foods. It just wasn't sustainable on a long-term basis. I'm off AIP and I now have a really diverse diet again. I don't think I would've come this far this soon without the program.
- Nisa Herd