Treating the root causes of Autoimmune Psoriasis with Functional Medicine


Functional medicine offers a fresh perspective on probiotics, healthy gut microbiome, healthy skin, and detoxification pathways by focusing on the root causes. The gut, often overlooked, plays a substantial role in intestinal permeability, liver function, skin microbiome balance, and the nervous system process. A healthy gut, enriched with probiotics and a balanced microbiome, isn’t just about good digestion of food, including gluten; it’s also pivotal for our skin health. However, an imbalance in our gut microbiome, possibly due to a gluten-rich diet, can trigger skin health issues like psoriasis and other autoimmune responses. Probiotics may help restore balance. Thus, understanding the detoxification process, the microbiome, and the connection between our gut, food intake, skin, and cells is vital for effective treatment. This article will uncover how nurturing your gut health and microbiome could be the key to managing autoimmune psoriasis and why the state of your intestinal cells and permeability might have more to do with your skin and food detoxification than you think.

Unpacking Autoimmune Psoriasis: A Functional Medicine Perspective

Functional medicine views psoriasis as an immune disorder impacting cells, not just a skin issue, necessitating detoxification and fostering a healthy gut microbiome for patients. It focuses on treating the root causes like gut microbiome imbalances, identifying triggers for poor skin health and immune responses, and creating personalized detoxification treatment plans.

Psoriasis Beyond Skin Deep

Psoriasis isn’t just about flaky patches of skin. Nope! It’s deeper than that folks. This autoimmune condition, impacting skin health, has its roots in our immune system’s cells and is influenced by our gut microbiome and detoxification processes. When it goes haywire, it speeds up the life cycle of our skin cells and voila! Detoxification and immune processes are et al in this process. You’ve got yourself some pesky psoriatic plaques.

Root Cause Approach

Functional medicine practitioners are like detectives. They don’t just look at your skin health symptoms (those scaly patches), they dig deeper to find what’s really causing your psoriasis and how it’s impacting your immune system. Is it a leaky gut? Maybe you’re stressed out? Or perhaps there’s an underlying infection? Whatever it is, they’re on the case!

Triggers and Imbalances

Just like a car engine misfires if there’s something off balance, so does our body’s immune system when dealing with skin health issues like psoriasis. Identifying these triggers is key in functional medicine approach. Common ones, as noted by immune research studies et al, include stress, certain medications, or even weather changes! And let’s not forget about imbalances in our body – poor diet, lack of sleep can all wreak havoc on our immune system leading to inflammation.

Personalized Treatment Plans

One size doesn’t fit all. That’s where functional medicine shines! Your practitioner will develop an immune-boosting plan that fits you perfectly – from dietary changes to immune-supporting lifestyle tweaks and everything in between.

For example, one patient might benefit from a detoxification program while another might need help managing stress levels better.

It’s all about finding what works for you and helping your body get back into balance so you can enjoy healthy skin again!

So folks, remember this – psoriasis isn’t just about skin. It’s a complex autoimmune condition that needs a comprehensive, individualized approach for effective treatment.

And functional medicine? Well, it’s just the ticket to help you get there!

Decoding the Interplay: Dysbiosis, SCFAs and Psoriasis

Psoriasis is more than just a skin condition. It’s got roots deep within our body’s ecosystem, specifically in the gut microbiome. Let’s dive into how dysbiosis and short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) intertwine with this pesky disease.

The Lowdown on Dysbiosis

Dysbiosis refers to an imbalance in our gut microbiome. Think of it as a teeter-totter that’s tipped too far one way. This microbial imbalance can lead to conditions like psoriasis.

You see, our bodies are home to trillions of bacteria – both good and bad, as noted by et al. Streptococcus, as identified by et al, is an example of the not-so-friendly kind that has been linked to psoriasis.

When these bacteria get out of whack, it can disrupt skin cell turnover and trigger inflammation – two key factors in psoriasis flare-ups.

The Role of SCFAs

Now let’s chat about Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs). These guys are major players. They’re like the unsung heroes of your digestive system.

But here’s the rub: an imbalance of SCFAs may contribute to inflammation and exacerbate psoriasis symptoms. Like a car engine without oil, things start grinding and smoking without enough SCFAs around.

Restoring Balance for Psoriasis Management

So what do we do? Well, restoring balance through diet or supplementation can help manage psoriasis. It’s all about giving your body what it needs so it can run smoothly again.

Eating foods rich in probiotics can promote a healthy gut microbiome. Things like yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi – they’re all loaded with good bacteria that help keep your gut happy.

And don’t forget about detoxification pathways! Keeping these clear is crucial for managing psoriasis. You can think of them as your body’s highway system – when there’s a traffic jam, nothing moves.

Supplements like omega-3s and vitamin D can also help reduce inflammation and support skin health. They’re like the roadside assistance for your body’s highways, helping keep things moving along.

In all, it’s about treating the root causes of autoimmune psoriasis with functional medicine. We need to address the imbalances in our bodies that are fueling this disease. Because let’s face it – nobody wants to deal with constant flare-ups and itchy, flaky skin.

Lab Tests Relevance in Identifying Psoriasis’ Root Cause

Unveiling Hidden Issues with Specific Lab Tests

Psoriasis is a tricky skin condition. It’s like that annoying pop quiz you didn’t prepare for in high school. But unlike those surprise tests, we can actually get ahead of psoriasis. How? Through specific lab tests.

These aren’t your run-of-the-mill blood tests; they’re more like Sherlock Holmes on the hunt for clues about your health. They measure inflammatory markers, autoimmunity signs, and gut health indicators among others.

For instance, a stool test might reveal that you’ve got some unwanted guests in your gut (think bad bacteria or yeast). Or a sensitivity test could show that certain foods are causing an inflammatory reaction in your body.

Personalized Treatment Strategies Based on Test Results

Now, what good are these tests if we don’t use the results to our advantage? That’s where functional medicine comes into play.

Just as a tailor would take measurements to create the perfect suit for you, functional medicine uses these test results to craft personalized treatment strategies targeting root causes of autoimmune psoriasis.

So instead of just slapping on creams to deal with plaque psoriasis symptoms (those red, itchy patches covered with silvery scales), we’re going after the underlying issues causing those skin cells to go haywire.

Regular Monitoring for Optimal Results

But let’s not forget: treating psoriasis isn’t a one-and-done deal. It’s more like tending to a garden – regular monitoring and adjustments are needed for optimal results.

Think about it this way: If you were trying to grow tomatoes and they kept coming out small and green, wouldn’t you try changing things up? Maybe add some fertilizer or water them differently?

The same concept applies here. By regularly testing and adjusting based on new evidence from research or changes in symptoms, we can ensure that the treatment remains effective.

Dietary Impact on Psoriasis: Adverse Food Reactions

Psoriasis, an autoimmune disease, can be a real pain in the neck. It’s like your body is playing a cruel joke on you. But did you know that what you eat can affect it? Yeah, buddy! And we’re not just talking about junk food.

Food Sensitivity and Psoriasis Symptoms

You see, certain foods might be making your psoriasis symptoms worse. We’re talking itching, redness, the whole nine yards. It’s like adding fuel to the fire. This happens because of adverse reactions or allergies to these foods.

For example, gluten sensitivity is common in folks with psoriatic disease. So if you’ve been loading up on bread and pasta and noticing more flare-ups, there might be a connection.

The Role of Elimination Diets

So how do you find out which foods are causing problems? Enter elimination diets! These are like detectives for your gut. They help pinpoint which foods might be causing trouble.

It works kind of like this:

  1. You remove certain foods from your diet for a period.
  2. Then slowly reintroduce them one at a time.
  3. Monitor any changes in your symptoms.

This way, you can identify any problematic foods and kick them to the curb!

Nutrient-Dense Foods for Healing

But it’s not all bad news! Some foods can actually help manage psoriasis symptoms by supporting healing from within. Think of nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory diets as your skin’s best friends.

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids (hello salmon!) and vitamin B12 (like beef liver) are great choices here.

Hydration: A Key Player

Last but not least – hydration! Drinking enough water is crucial for maintaining skin health and managing psoriasis. It’s like giving your skin a nice drink when it’s thirsty!

Remember that everyone’s body is different. What works for one person might not work for another. But by understanding the impact of diet on psoriasis, you can take steps towards treating the root causes with functional medicine.

Supplement Protocols for Comprehensive Psoriasis Treatment

Psoriasis, a stubborn skin condition, can be tamed with the right supplement protocol. Nutritional supplements can fill in dietary gaps, dial down inflammation, and boost gut health.

Filling Nutritional Gaps

Supplements are like the secret sauce in psoriasis treatment. They help plug the nutritional holes that your diet might not cover. For instance, Omega-3 fatty acids are a big deal. You can get them from fish like salmon and mackerel, but if you’re not a fan of seafood or have allergies, supplements got your back.

Reducing Inflammation

Another star player in the supplement game is Vitamin D. This sunshine vitamin does more than just keep your bones healthy; it’s also crucial for skin health. Low levels of Vitamin D have been linked to autoimmune conditions like psoriasis. So popping a Vitamin D supplement could be just what your skin needs to chill out.

Supporting Gut Health

Probiotics aren’t just good for digestion; they’re also key players in maintaining overall body balance. Your gut health plays a massive role in managing autoimmune conditions like psoriasis because an unhealthy gut can trigger inflammation throughout your body – including your skin.

Personalized Supplement Protocol

Here’s where functional medicine shines: each patient’s supplementation plan is tailored to their specific needs. It’s not about one-size-fits-all treatments; it’s about finding what works best for you as an individual.

Let’s say you’ve got low Vitamin A levels along with your psoriasis – well then, guess who’s getting some extra Vitamin A? You! But remember folks, always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplementation regimen.

Consultation Before Supplementation

While we’re on the topic of healthcare providers – let me emphasize this: Always talk to them before starting any new supplement regimen. They’ll be able to guide you on the right dosage and ensure that the supplements don’t interfere with any other medications you might be taking.

Supplements can be a powerful tool in your psoriasis treatment arsenal, but they’re not a standalone solution. They work best when combined with other treatments like light therapy and dietary changes.

Functional Medicine vs Conventional Treatment for Psoriasis

Conventional Treatments and Their Limitations

Conventional treatments for psoriasis, like corticosteroids or immunosuppressants, are often the first line of defense. They work by reducing inflammation and slowing down the overactive immune system.

But here’s the kicker. These treatments focus mainly on managing symptoms. They’re like putting a band-aid on a deep wound; they might cover up the problem but don’t really treat it at its root.

The Functional Medicine Approach

Enter functional medicine. This approach is all about finding and treating the root causes of autoimmune psoriasis. It’s not just about masking symptoms; it’s about getting to the heart of what’s causing them in the first place.

Functional medicine uses lifestyle changes and natural therapies as its main weapons against psoriasis. Think diet modifications, stress management techniques, sleep hygiene practices – you get the drift.

And guess what? Research suggests this approach can be super effective! A study published in Dermatology Therapies found that patients who adopted lifestyle changes saw significant improvements in their psoriasis symptoms.

Combining Both Approaches for Comprehensive Care

So, should you ditch conventional treatments altogether? Not necessarily!

Combining conventional treatment with a functional medicine approach could offer comprehensive care for psoriasis patients. It’s like having your cake and eating it too!

You get immediate relief from symptoms with conventional treatments while working on long-term solutions through functional medicine strategies.

Patient Preference Matters

At the end of the day, choosing between conventional treatment and functional medicine comes down to personal preference. Some folks prefer popping pills while others are more into holistic approaches.

It’s important to remember that every patient is unique, so what works wonders for one person may not work as well for another.

Root Cause Protocol in Treating Psoriasis

You’ve just taken a deep dive into the world of functional medicine and its role in treating autoimmune psoriasis. It’s clear that this approach goes beyond simply masking symptoms, but rather seeks to address the root causes of your condition – be it dysbiosis, adverse food reactions, or other factors. As you step on this path towards healing, remember that change takes time and patience is key.

Armed with this knowledge, you’re now ready to take control of your health. Don’t let psoriasis rule your life any longer! Reach out to a functional medicine practitioner today and start your journey towards lasting relief. You’ve got this!


What is functional medicine?

Functional medicine is an individualized, patient-centered approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease rather than merely treating symptoms.

How does functional medicine treat psoriasis?

Functional medicine treats psoriasis by focusing on the underlying causes which could include gut dysbiosis, nutritional deficiencies or imbalances, stress levels and more.

Can diet impact my psoriasis?

Absolutely! Certain foods can trigger inflammation in the body which may worsen psoriasis. A functional medicine practitioner can help identify potential dietary triggers.

What kind of lab tests are used in identifying the root cause of my psoriasis?

Common lab tests might include comprehensive stool analysis for gut health evaluation, food sensitivity tests, hormone panels among others.

Are supplements necessary for comprehensive treatment of psoriasis?

While not always necessary for everyone, certain supplements can aid in reducing inflammation and improving skin health when used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan.