Autoimmune Disease and Pregnancy: Managing Risks & Care

PhilArticles, Blog

Dealing with autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and systemic lupus erythematosus is challenging on its own, but when pregnancy enters the mix, the complexity doubles, increasing the risk of perinatal complications. Many women of childbearing age find themselves caught between the desire to start a family and the fear of how their condition might affect their pregnancy … Read More

Autoimmune Disease and Breastfeeding: Key Benefits & Insights

PhilArticles, Blog

Nearly 1 in 5 new moms grappling with autoimmune diseases, including maternal asthma and diabetes, face a unique challenge when it comes to breastfeeding, particularly concerning milk supply. It’s not just about the physical act but navigating the complexities of how their condition might impact their baby or if their medication is safe during this nurturing phase for pregnant women … Read More

Autoimmune Disease and Menopause: Navigating Symptoms & Care

PhilArticles, Blog

Nearly 80% of autoimmune disease sufferers are women, with ovarian antibodies and ovarian insufficiency being risk factors, and a significant shift in symptoms often occurs during menopause, indicating postmenopausal status as a pivotal phase. This overlap isn’t coincidental. Autoimmune diseases and menopause, including postmenopausal status and ovarian antibodies, share a complex relationship that can turn the lives of many women … Read More

Autoimmune Disease and Aging: Unveiling Immune System Changes

PhilArticles, Blog

Ever wondered why autoimmune diseases, influenced by autoimmunity and cell aging, seem to play peek-a-boo as we age through the aging process? It’s no secret that our bodies undergo a myriad of changes as the years roll by, but the link between ageing and the increased risk of autoimmune disorders, including autoimmunity and autoinflammatory disease, is a puzzle that has … Read More

Autoimmune Disease and Gut Health: Key Connections

PhilArticles, Blog

Ever wondered how your gut health, influenced by probiotics and dysbiosis in immunology, could be the secret weapon in fighting autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis? It’s no news that our gut, influenced by dysbiosis and probiotics, plays a pivotal role in overall health and immunology, but its connection to autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis is a game-changer. With the right … Read More

Autoimmune Disease and Emotional Well-Being

PhilArticles, Blog

Ever wondered how closely tied your physical health is to your emotional well-being, stress levels, psychological stress, mental states, and mindfulness meditation? When it comes to autoimmune diseases and cancer, this connection isn’t just a theory in rheumatology; it’s a reality that affects millions and is studied by rheumatologists in the field of medicine. These conditions, where the body mistakenly … Read More

Autoimmune Disease and Relationships: Nurturing Love & Intimacy

PhilArticles, Blog

Living with an autoimmune disease is a journey that extends beyond the individual, deeply impacting interactions and relationships with friends, family, spouses, and partners, while also highlighting the importance of social support from loved ones. It’s a delicate balance between managing personal health challenges and maintaining healthy connections, through social support and interactions, with those around you, despite social constraints, … Read More

Autoimmune Disease and Travel Tips: A Comprehensive Guide

PhilArticles, Blog

Navigating the globe with an autoimmune disease, a type of chronic illness, might seem daunting for immunosuppressed travelers, but it’s far from impossible with the right travel medicine and awareness of medical conditions. Historical context shows us that travel has always been a vital part of human exploration and understanding of life, even for those facing health challenges, including immunosuppressed … Read More

Autoimmune Disease and Clinical Trials: Key Advances & Insights

PhilArticles, Blog

Navigating the complex world of autoimmune diseases, with their chronic nature, risk factors, new medicines, and diagnosis challenges, can be daunting. With a history that traces back to when the immune system’s role in autoimmune disease was first understood, our journey towards finding effective treatments through clinical research and new medicines has been marked by both breakthroughs and setbacks, including … Read More

Autoimmune Disease and Financial Planning

PhilArticles, Blog

Navigating life with an autoimmune disease is challenging enough, but have you considered how it impacts your financial planning, especially in terms of disability benefits, insurance coverage effects, and premiums? The unpredictability of healthcare needs, insurance coverage, and potential income disruptions, including disability benefits, can throw a wrench into the best-laid plans for patients. This post dives into the critical … Read More

Autoimmune Disease and Workplace Accommodations

PhilArticles, Blog

Over 23.5 million Americans live with an autoimmune disease, a staggering statistic that highlights the importance of understanding and addressing these conditions in all aspects of life, especially at work, where both people with this disability and their employer must be aware of the diagnosis. Balancing productivity with health needs, considering limitations and major life activity, can be challenging, but … Read More

Autoimmune Disease and Complementary Therapies: A Holistic Guide

PhilArticles, Blog

Ever wondered why your body, designed to protect you through its immune system function, sometimes turns against itself in autoimmunity, producing antibodies that lead to autoimmune disease? Autoimmune diseases, characterized by autoimmunity and systemic inflammation, are a perplexing puzzle where the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own cells with antibodies, potentially triggered by infections. But here’s the silver lining: … Read More

Autoimmune Disease and Disability Benefits

PhilArticles, Blog

Navigating the complex world of autoimmune diseases, which can cause impairment, complications, and malaise affecting various body systems, can be daunting, especially when it intersects with the equally intricate realm of disability benefits. Historically, the recognition of autoimmune diseases as conditions that significantly impair daily functioning, indicating impairment and dysfunction, and qualify for disability benefits based on medical findings and … Read More

Autoimmune Disease and Caregiving: Essential Tips for Navigating Life

PhilArticles, Blog

Over 50 million Americans live with an autoimmune disease, a staggering number that underscores the critical role of caregivers and caregiving services in these patients’ lives, including elderly individuals and people needing social support. Caregiving for someone with an autoimmune condition, a chronic disease, is no small feat—it demands patience, resilience, and an immense amount of compassion from elderly caregivers … Read More